Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Interviewees Name Nathan__________

What do you predict will be the symbolism between Melinda and the tree?
He thinks that melinda and the tree are going to be simmilar because the tree starts out weak and becomes stronger. The only real connection he could find between melinda and the tree .

Are schools really this place that is isolating or is it just the student that isolates him/herself?
He thinks that it is the Public High schools are really isolating. He has talked to people that go to public school.
If Melinda's parents were more involved, do you think her relationship and feelings toward them would be different? Also, would her attitude in life be more positive?
He thinks the way people think is strongly based on how they were raised. He thinks this becaude he knows people whos aparents are not involved and has studied people whos parents are not involved. They all seem to act simmilar. He thinks that f melindas parents were more involved her feelings towardparents would change and  her attitude is based on whta she did and how peopletreat her so NO.
What do you think of the book so far? Even though it may be a bit dramatic, is it far from reality?
He tinks it is very realistic for a fiction book. There is a small posibility it is based on reality. he thinks because people act realistic.

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